Ice Cream on Carpets
How To Remove The Stain
Vanish Pre-Treat Oxi Action Stain Remover Spray
Vanish 3 in 1 Carpet & Upholstery Shampoo
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Didn't find the solution you were looking for?
If you don't have a Vanish stain removal product to hand then don't worry. We're still able to provide some handy hints on removing stains. Vanish will help you remove the stains even once they have dried-in.
The Ice Cream spillage or stain should be treated as soon as possible so not left to dry.
Remove as much ice cream as possible with a blunt knife or spoon, being careful not to spread it further. Sponge the area that is affected (the sponge should have water on it) working outwards from the centre of the stain. Leave the stain to dry until you have Vanish available and repeat the process using the instructions above.
Ice cream stains on the carpet can be a real eyesore; especially when the chocolate variety. Follow the instructions below and the stain will be out of your carpet in no time!