Sweat stains, whether on colored or white clothing, can leave us miserable if not removed properly using the right stain removal steps and Vanish.
White clothing tends to show stains more than any other colour. To remove them, soak the garment in water with Vanish Oxi Action Crystal White for up to six hours, depending on how tough the stain is. Once it has been soaked thoroughly, give it a normal wash with one scoop of Vanish and the stain will be gone.
Always avoid using bleach to remove sweat stains from your white tees and vests, as the chemicals in the bleach only make perspiration stains darker and a lot tougher to remove.
Similar to removing stains on your whites, you should start by soaking your garment and then put it through the wash. Allow your garment to soak in water with Vanish Oxi Action for an hour. Afterwards, give it a normal wash with one scoop of Vanish Oxi Action, and your stain will be gone.
If you are fed up of sweat patches, there is a way you can help prevent them. To do this, apply your deodorant in a thin layer and allow it to dry for at least 30 seconds before you put on your shirt or top.
Also, ensure you dress for the occasion. Sweat is caused when your body is overheating, and this is due to wearing too thick or heavy clothing for your workout. Remember that regardless of the weather outside, it won't take long for you to heat up as you begin to exercise. This can be made much worse if you are dehydrated, so remember to drink lots of water.
There you have an easy guide to beating sweat stains. Now you know how to prevent and remove them from your whites and colours, so you can enjoy the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.