Liquid Stain Remover

The run-up to festival involves exciting essential packing, wardrobe, and removing the sweat and mud stains using Vanish.
The run up to a music or cultural festival is often as exciting as the actual festival itself. It is a fun time as you rush about packing, getting new clothes, making sure you have everything you need in your bag, making the travel arrangements and finally reaching the venue. But while you have taken care to pack clothes, shoes, makeup and even medication, be sure to pack extra blotting paper – after all, you never know when you might get stains on your clothes! When you return, let Vanish sort out the stains from your clothing.
The main things you need to pack include a tent (for two people or more), airbags/sleeping bags, floor mats, flash lights, sturdy boots and basic cooking equipment and ingredients. These cover your camping requirements. Now, on to the festival.
Most festivals supply you with a map of the area, the schedule of events and what’s interesting. Be sure to pack sunscreen cream with you if the weather is hot and sunny. Drink plenty of water and pack some energy bars and a water bottle in your rucksack.
You will also need some amount of money in your wallet – there may be no ATMs close by. Money is needed for emergency food and medication, and to buy any beverages you might need to keep yourself hydrated.
The best thing about outdoor festivals is that you can wear whatever you want! This is a good time to get into those shorts and tank tops that you had hidden away in your wardrobe. Even loose trousers and cotton tops that let the skin breathe, are good choices.
You must always have a change of extra clothing, as well as a jumper for the night. Make sure you’ve packed waterproofs, because you never know when it might rain or your bag will get soaked. You could line your bag with a plastic cover, or have a waterproof valise for your delicate clothing and medication. And so that you don’t get homesick, you can pack your favourite pillow and your favourite tin of cookies to munch on at night.
Getting back home after the festival is bound to rob you of some of the fun you had – because your clothes will possibly be ridden with sweat and mud stains. Just bung the entire lot of used clothing in the washing machine for an hour. But if the stains have dried out in the sun and heat, they will need some extra care and time with Vanish.
Just grab Vanish Oxi Action Gel, and give the clothes a long soak in clean water to remove the stains. Add 120ml of Vanish gel to a tub of four litres of warm water. Leave coloured clothes to soak for one hour, and white clothes for six hours. Now simply remove from the soaking tub and put the clothes in the washing machine. Voila – no more stains!