Green color is often amongst the hardest to remove because vegetable and grass stains, caused by organic compounds, get into the fibers. Learn how to keep your garments spotless and fresh with these cleaning tips.
Generally there are two main culprits for green stains: food and grass. Green pigments tend to be amongst the hardest to dislodge, because vegetable and grass stains tend to be caused by organic compounds getting into the fibres. Despite the difficulty of removing these stubborn stains, it is important to not panic and go overboard. The first thing to remember is that you should avoid using ammonia, degreaser or alkaline detergents at all costs, as these are known to set in such stains. There are simpler processes that will eliminate any trace of food or grass without damaging your garments.
Often the sooner you deal with the stain, the more likely it is to come out. If the stain is a grass or non-fat stain, it is best to rinse with cold water to stop it setting further into the fabric. When the area is wet enough, you are ready to begin tackling the stain. However, there are different procedures to follow depending on the colour of the material:
For best result with white clothing, the best solution is always a specialized product such as Vanish Oxi-Action Crystal White. Massage into the grassy area and allow to soak for up to 6 hours. When the time is up, wash the clothing with a scoop of Vanish and then simply marvel at the results.
To remove green stains from colours, you want to follow a similar process to your whites. Make a solution of Vanish Oxi Action powder or gel with some warm water, massage it into the green stain and leave for 15 to 20 minutes before laundering. It's important to remember to never use bleach on your coloured clothing.
That's your simple solution to address the residue. Whether it was left by last night's dinner, or last Sunday's sliding tackle. Green stains can be particularly vivid, but don't fret when you have Vanish at your disposal.