These effective tips will help you remove tough, brightly colored baby food stains from clothing, ensuring it remains clean and fresh despite mealtime messes.
Baby foods are often made with very simple ingredients, and pureed to ensure easy digestion. What this means for your We all know babies can be extremely messy, especially with the brightly staining foods they eat. Learn all about baby food stain removal here with Vanish.
'Out of the mouths of babies…' comes absolutely everything you put in them. It must be wonderful to see the world through the eyes of a young child; the garden is a rainforest to be explored, the sofa is a mountain to be conquered, and a bowl of food is a new outfit to be worn. This wouldn't be quite so bad, if baby food didn't seem to instantly bind itself to fabrics! There's no need to despair or to throw away clothes. With Vanish, removing these stains is a breeze. We've put together this guide to shed some light on why these stains are so difficult to shift, and why they're no problem for Vanish.
Pumpkin, sweet potatoes and of course, carrots, all contain high levels of beta-carotene; a proto-vitamin that can be converted into Vitamin A by the body. This substance is also what gives these their vibrant colours, and serves as a highly effective dye.
Processed peas, spinach and broccoli all get their vibrant greens from high levels of chlorophyll, the chemical that enables plants to convert sugars and waters into energy through sunlight. Although whether it has any effect on humans is often disputed, one definite side effect is that it turns otherwise nutritious vegetables into potential luminous green stains.
Blackcurrants and beetroot are both excellent sources of vitamins and minerals, but are also used commercially to produce dyes and inks. As you would expect, these dyes can be very difficult to remove from clothing as they are very efficient at latching on to natural fibres.
The reason that Vanish works so well when compared to ordinary detergents is that it uses enzymes and biological substances to break down the starches and proteins that make up these dyes, meaning that whether your baby wants to eat their food, or wear it, their clothes will always look like new.
The critical factor with these stains, as with most, is time. The sooner you tackle these stains, the easier it will be to get them out. First, rinse under warm-water from the back of the material to wash out any of the actual food still stuck on, without forcing it further into the fabric. Then use a scoop of Vanish Gold Oxi Action, and mixing it into a paste with some more warm water, work this into the stain. Don't forget to also do this to the back of the stain, so the Vanish can get to work from the other side as well. Once you've done this, launder with the rest of your wash, adding an extra scoop of Vanish to ensure that these stains don't stand a chance.